The Load and Go Ready Mix Truck Wash® is an automated drive-through wash system that is highly specialized to thoroughly clean the entire mixer in 45-60 seconds, using around 160 litres of water. These amazing results are achieved by utilising 72-88 high pressure nozzles to deliver 1,200 PSI water jets to the entire mixer. Various types of nozzles are specifically designed and precisely aimed to remove cement dust and concrete build up from all areas of the roller pedestal including the drum, hopper, chutes, and even the discharge blades in the drum. The system’s PLC is triggered and controlled by the Interactive Mixer Position Recognition (IMPR), which relays truck position to the driver through an intuitive red/yellow/green signal light. Utilizing up to 6 different wash stages, the Load and Go Ready Mix Truck Wash® ensures that every part of your mixer (cab included if desired) is clean when the driver pulls through. Compare that to a normal plant washout station with a single high-volume, low-pressure hose using 0.45 litres every 1-2 seconds for 5-10 minutes!
This patented system is greatly reducing cycle times and increasing driver safety around the world. By placing extreme high pressure water directly to the point where it is needed we can now completely clean the mixer with far less water in much less time. Most systems average 155 litres of water during a 45 second cycle compared to a driver using 0.45 litres every 1-2 seconds over 5-10 minutes: depending on flow rates, that could be anywhere from 680-2700 litres!
The wash down process is statistically the most dangerous part of a mixer driver’s job. The Load and Go Ready Mix Truck Wash® completely eliminates the need for the driver to exit the cab to wash the mixer. Gone are the days when a driver was required to exit the vehicle in a high traffic area, climb a wet ladder and lean over a spinning drum to reach all the hard to access points. Now instead of paying drivers to waste time in a dangerous spot, producers across the country are keeping them in the cab and getting them out the gate.
Additionally, by keeping the mixers extremely clean with high-pressure water there is reduced need for dangerous chemicals benefiting drivers and equipment. Less residual buildup also means less chance for concrete debris to come loose while mixers are on the highway causing cracked windshields and other damage.
This is one of the rare times in business when the safest way to do a job is also the better way as well as the fastest way!
With the Load and Go Ready Mix Truck Wash® you’ll be using less water – typically between 136-150 litres. This system has greatly reduced washdown water usage in every operation that has installed it. By using high-pressure water, the system consistently does a much better job of cleaning mixers with far less water. Less total water used means less to divert, capture, store and treat. In today’s climate of ever-tightening environmental oversight, managers need to consider any tool that can offer relief. Simply put, this is the right tool for the job.